Showing posts with label Capstones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capstones. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Final Lecture and Bats Full of Shame


The last couple of weeks have been brutal because of Thanksgiving break. The instructors were forced to cram four days worth of lectures into two and its clear many students are feeling stretched thin and bitter towards Vue.js and the timing of those Plymouth colonists. Couldn't they have just waited a few weeks? 

We've spent the last three months attempting to appease angry machines. Hours staring down angry red lines and making meager offerings until someone eventually murmurs, "Oh, I think it liked that..." and we're blessed with part of a working program. 

Perhaps that is why the final day of lecture was my breaking point. We did a review and I got lost almost immediately. Eventually, I turned off my camera and cried. Evidently, I was not very subtle and was quickly joined by my husband and cat who both made several well-intentioned bids at cheering me up. I'll let you guess which one offered to take me out for tacos. 

I insisted on staying put for the rest of the review and penned a depressing message to Brian and Rachelle during one of the breaks about my lack of understanding and fear of the future. I suppose that is one of my strong points: total transparency to the point of idiocy. 

Just kidding about the idiocy part, but I do dislike dishonesty and posturing. My hope is readers can infer from the rest of my blog that I will tell the truth even if it could potentially make me look weak to others. I want to give people a genuine look at what it's like participating in a coding bootcamp and if I were to pretend it was all easy, that would be deception and unhelpful to those who may be deciding whether or not to enroll. 

In an episode of What We Do in the Shadows, Nadja mentions some vampires who failed at hosting an event and permanently transformed themselves into "bats full of shame." I relate to this concept so much, that's the name of my mobile hotspot. While I am unable to transform into a bat, I am really great at sulking/dramatic makeup.

Anyway, after some encouraging messages from my instructors and reaching out to classmates who felt similarly, I was able to shake off the depression and get excited for the final capstone kickoff on Friday. The tacos helped, too. ;)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, November 16, 2020

Capstone 3: FATALITY!

Howdy, friends!

We have completed another capstone! This one focused on creating a RESTful API, SQL, and user authentication. It was an application similar to Venmo in which users can send, receive, and request money. 

After the capstone, we focused on HTML and CSS for week 9. This was nice because I have a lot of past experience with these and it was more like review. Capstones leave everyone exhausted and it can be hard to focus on new material when you've been coding for 12+ hours for several consecutive days. It felt like a refreshing break, but I still learned new things! I had never made a CSS grid before. I had also been self-taught, so I didn't realize you could use HTML for the structure of the page and do all of the styling with CSS. My previous pages looked nice, but they were inconsistent in how I styled them, which makes the code harder to read and can create problems later on. 

I've decided I definitely prefer front end development to back end. While both are enjoyable, I have a lot of fun designing sites and making them aesthetically pleasing, which I know is ironic because my blog is very plain. We used to have a saying when we were young and mean in college: "Ugly girl, heart of gold, bless her soul." That is my blog. Unattractive, but the content is quality (I hope!). 

If you're wondering about the "bless her soul" bit, it's because my friend group had noticed that some people tack that on to whatever horrible thing they said about someone else, as if that magically makes it okay. Also, the ugly girl could be anything: an unappealing, yet amicable dog or a particularly grotesque cucumber at the supermarket. It never failed, upon viewing such a spectacle, someone would mutter "Ugly girl, heart of gold, bless her soul" and we'd all bust out laughing. 

We came up with that phrase one night at Tee Jaye's. Sometimes, I miss those late nights laughing around a table and filling up on gray food. I was especially fond of the Barnyard Buster, two eggs over-easy on a pile of home fries and split biscuits. The whole mass was then smothered in "sausage" gravy, which often tasted only of flour. It was basically Heaven. 

Perhaps I am feeling nostalgic because in the wake of COVID-19, the idea of sitting in a restaurant with friends seems unlikely to occur any time soon. On the bright side, I do feel grateful for technology like Zoom, which enables us to see and hear our loved ones in real time. That's part of why software development is so exciting to me; I like the idea of making things that enhance people's every day lives. If a program can take a bit of the burden off of an individual, that's a beautiful thing. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Capstone 2: Dead and Done!

 Hello, all! 

I haven't posted much because I was busy working on my second capstone for module 2. It was incredibly stressful, but my partner and I created something we are very proud of. 

Module 2 was fairly short and deceptively easy at first, but the last few concepts came in like a roaring lion and knocked me back a few pegs. Here is what we covered:

  • Introduction to databases
  • Aggregate functions and group by
  • Joins
  • Insert, update, and delete
  • Database design
  • Database connectivity
  • Integration testing
  • Database security

For our capstones, we had to create a command line venue reservation program. It was intense! My partner, Olivia, and I had both received similar feedback on our previous capstones. We both had put too much in our CLI in the past as opposed to breaking it up into smaller methods called from a different class. We caught ourselves making the same mistake this time, so we spent most of Saturday refactoring things! It was frustrating, but worth it. Our code was clean and easy to read. 

One lesson I learned during this capstone is to be proud of the work completed, even if the whole project isn't finished. We didn't have tests, but were able to recognize our product was the best we could do in the time we were given. 

Capstone reviews this round were done with another team in addition to Brian. This was helpful because we could see the different ways each team chose to approach the challenge. The other team had amazing formatting using printf, which I took notes on and hope to use in the future. 

In addition to the capstone, I had to prepare for my Lightning Talk. Lighting Talks are short presentations that can be about absolutely anything. Mine was about crafting prop weapons from EVA foam. 

P.S. If you're wondering about the aftermath of my last post, everything is okay. Brian scheduled an extra session with me to go over the part I didn't understand. It turns out I don't trust myself enough. If something doesn't work, I assume I took a completely wrong approach when in reality, a small adjustment needed to be made. This causes me to write a lot of code over again when I don't need to. In the future, I will focus on refactoring what I have before I try different methods. I will also try to reach out sooner when I'm stuck as opposed to struggling to the point of despair, haha. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Capstone 1: Complete!

Last Thursday and Friday were given to us to complete our capstone projects, which encompassed everything we learned in Module 1.

It was grueling! Our task was to create a catering system program. My partner, Kristen, and I worked all weekend in addition to the days given. 

If you're wondering about the process, it looked a bit like this:
- Thursday: We designed our program, created classes, created the CLI, etc. 
- Friday: We realized we were on the wrong track for certain parts and had to redo/remove sections. It was a bit heartbreaking because we had spent hours on them! 
- Saturday: We noticed that some of the things we removed needed to be recreated. :( At one point, we realized that even though we were working with money, Big Decimal was complicating things and we needed to change every occurrence of it to double. Around midnight, we decided we were done!
- Sunday:  I was playing around with our program and came across a few errors/bizarre returns. We spent a couple of hours fixing them and called it quits. 

In the end, I'm so happy we did it. It may not be perfect, but I feel like we made a real program! I know that technically we have written several others throughout the course, but this one is definitely the largest and most complex!